AIDS is the most feared disease at this time . HIV , the virus that causes this disease , damage the body's defense system ( immune system ) , so that the people who suffer from this disease 's ability to defend itself from attacks of disease is reduced .
AIDS is a syndrome that attacks the immune system . AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV , the Human Immunodeficiency Virus . If you get yourself infected with HIV , the body will try to fight the infection . The body will make antibodies against a specific molecule for HIV
HIV is a virus whose genetic material is RNA ( ribonucleic acid ) that is wrapped by a matrix composed mostly of proteins . To grow , it needs to change its genetic material into the DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid ) , integrated into the host DNA , and subsequently undergo a process that would eventually produce the protein . Protein - protein produced will then form new viruses .
A blood test is done to see if there are antibodies in the body . If there are antibodies in the blood that has been infected by HIV . People who have the HIV antibodies are called HIV Positive . HIV positive or having HIV disease , is not the same as having AIDS . Many who have been infected with HIV- positive but do not fall ill for several years . However, HIV disease causes the immune system to weaken slowly . Viruses , parasites , fungi and bacteria that usually do not cause falling ill can make you fall ill if the immune system is damaged or weakened .
Actually you are not directly affected by AIDS . However, infected with HIV and then develop into AIDS . You get HIV from someone who has been infected with HIV , although one that does not look sick and even unproven HIV Positive because it has never been tested . The blood , vaginal fluid , semen ( the fluid of the male genitalia ) and breast milk of people infected with HIV can transmit the virus to other people . Most of the HIV virus by:
a. sexual intercourse with an infected person
b . together using a needle ( needle injection ) with someone who has been infected
c . born to women who had been infected with or suckle the breast milk of an infected woman
Getting a blood transfusion of HIV infected blood used to be a way for people affected by AIDS , but now the blood supply have been examined carefully and the risk is much lower .
There are no studies that show HIV transmission by tears or saliva , but allow infected with HIV through oral sex or kissing , especially if you have open sores or canker sores in the mouth of an infected person .
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) estimates that approximately 850,000 to 950,000 U.S. residents live with other HIV-infected population , a quarter of the population were aware of the HIV infection . ( approximately 400,000 residents living with AIDS ) . Each year , an increase of about 40,000 infected . Of this amount , approximately 70 percent are male and 30 percent are women . Half of the number of newly infected each year are under the age of 25 years . Mid-1990s , AIDS dominating cause of death . Although , the pattern of treatment has reduced mortality significantly . For further information please visit the website of government
A baby can get HIV from infected mothers . Although there are medications for the treatment of HIV / AIDS , there is no vaccine or cure for it. During this time , a drug that can prolong the lives of people with HIV is antiretroviral ( ARV ) aka antivirus .
characteristics of HIV / AIDS is a person may experience a decrease in immunity or the immune system , it can be seen that a virus infected will get sick like the flu for a long time to heal .. if it is an advanced stage would be very vulnerable once he could had complications of various diseases . such as diarrhea , respiratory tract infections , skin blisters , body weight continued to decrease , so people look thin and dry .
For the visible hallmark of HIV suliut detected . To Aids infection is usually coupled with another if the condition is very serious sdh . The most common is paru2 inflammation and meningitis . Should guns have guessed guessed from physical symptoms .
For sure check the blood is the best way .
You may not know has been infected by HIV . Many humans affected by fever , headache , inflammation , abdominal pain , muscle and joint aches , swollen lymph nodes , rash on the skin about 1 or 2 weeks . Many think that this is the flu . Even many who do not show symptoms .
The virus will multiply in the body around a few weeks or it could be about a month before the immune system responds . During this time , if in testing for HIV , the results may be negative but still can infect other people .
When the immune system responds , then the immune system will make antibodies . When this happens then tested for HIV if it will be positive.
Once the symptoms that resemble the flu, some people with HIV will live healthily about 10 years or longer . But at this time , HIV began to damage the immune system .
The only way to measure the damage to the immune system is the counting of CD4 + cells possessed . These cells , also called T - helper cells , which are a very important part of the immune system . Healthy people usually have about 500 and 1500sel CD4 + every millimeter of blood counts .
Without treatment , the CD4 + cells that possessed the body will continue to decrease . It will arise from the HIV symptoms such as fever , sweating on even days , diarrhea and other symptoms .
If you have been infected with HIV , this problem will continue around a few days and can be expected to continue for several weeks .
Because of the ferocity of the disease , the efforts made to develop drugs that can overcome them . Treatment developed at this time , the target is the enzymes produced by the HIV and needed by the virus to thrive . These enzymes are inhibited by using inhibitors that would inhibit the action of these enzymes and ultimately will inhibit the growth of the HIV virus .
Drugs that have been found at this time inhibits the conversion of RNA into DNA and inhibits the formation of active proteins . An enzyme that helps the conversion of RNA into DNA called reverse transcriptase , while helping the formation of active proteins called proteases .
To be able to form the active protein , the genetic information stored in the viral RNA must be first converted into DNA . Reverse transcriptase helps the process of converting RNA into DNA . If the process of the formation of DNA is inhibited , then the process of the formation of the protein also be hampered . Therefore , the formation of new viruses into running slowly . Thus , the use of drugs inhibiting the reverse transcriptase enzyme did not completely destroy the virus found in the body . The use of drugs of this type just hinder the process of the formation of a new virus , and inhibition of this process was not able to stop the process of formation of new viruses in total .
Other drugs are also widely grown today is the use of protease enzyme inhibitors . Of DNA from viral RNA , proteins will be formed which will be instrumental in the process of formation of new virus particles . At first , the proteins are formed in the inactive form . To activate it , then the proteins produced have to be cut in certain places . This is where the role of proteases . Protease would cut the protein at specific places of a protein that is formed from DNA , and eventually will produce proteins that will be able to form a matrix constituent viral proteins ( structural proteins ) or functional proteins that act as enzymes .
Clinical trials showed that a single treatment with the protease inhibitor alone can reduce significantly the amount of HIV RNA and increases in CD4 cells (an indicator of the workings of the immune system ) during the first week of treatment . Nevertheless , the ability of these compounds to suppress viral replication is often limited, thus causing a selection that results in drug-resistant HIV . Therefore , treatment is done by using a combination therapy together with reverse transcriptase inhibitors . Protease inhibitors in combination with reverse transcriptase inhibitors showed a more significant antiviral response that can survive in the longer term ( Patrick & Potts , 1998) .
From the above description , we can know that until now there is no drug that can completely cure the disease of HIV / AIDS . Drugs that have been found to only inhibit the growth of viruses , so that the amount of virus can be suppressed .
HIV / AIDS has existed in Indonesian society since 1987 . Because of the stigma associated with HIV / AIDS , health problems is always filled with shades of fear and shame . Rooted there , other issues arise that must be faced by people infected with HIV in addition to matters of health itself. Negative view of society , rejection by health workers and other service providers , discriminatory regulations , the mass media are sensational , and the leaking of one's HIV status are some of the problems experienced by quite a lot of people who are infected with HIV . In addition , lack of information and the readiness of health workers , as well as lack of access to treatment is seen as a constraint greatly restricts HIV-positive people to extend the period of time without symptoms or as a productive human being .
some principles in all its efforts to address HIV / AIDS in Indonesia :
* Efforts to combat HIV / AIDS nationwide should pay attention to aspects of support and maintenance , in addition to aspects of prevention .
* Development of a program for HIV - positive people are asked to give priority to :
o Dissemination of information is complete and correct to the community in order to accept the existence of HIV - positive people with fair and non-judgmental .
o Support the establishment of a support group (support group ) on the local and regional level .
o Provision of further information on topics related to living with HIV .
o Increased availability of services and health personnel who are friends with people who are HIV - positive .
o Empowerment and opportunities for HIV-positive people to be able to work and decent berpenghidupan . Rights of HIV-positive people to get a job in order to be protected .
o Encourage the involvement of HIV - positive men were significantly in each of the manufacturing stages ( planning , implementation , and evaluation ) , as well as provide skills to be HIV-positive people can fulfill the role of the real .
o Availability of support before and after the test so that people can receive HIV - positive test results and live life positively and with dignity .
o Provide skills on HIV - positive people who speak in public to be more confident .
* AIDS prevention efforts should be made to uphold human rights . Protection and enforcement of human rights for HIV - positive people need to be improved .
* Acquisition of antiretroviral drugs and drugs for opportunistic infections with a good standard at affordable prices need to be increased and more evenly .
* Rights of HIV-positive people to have children in order to be protected and all efforts undertaken to be done in the safest way for mother and baby .
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