Background Human Birth

Results of the discussion :
Guarantee of human rights in the Act in 1945 ( before the change / amendment ) by kuntjara Purbo Pranoto has not been systematically collated and only four chapters which contain provisions concerning rights yajni Articles 17,28,29 and 31 .
From the fourth chapter , there are five ( 5 ) basic human rights that are in the body of the 1945 Constitution , namely :
a. ) The similarity of the position and duties of citizens in the law and in the face of government ( Article 27, paragraph 1 ) .
b . ) The right of every citizen to work and propriety ( Article 27, paragraph 2 ) .
c . ) Freedom of association and assembly , of expression with oral and written and set forth in the Constitution ( Article 28 ) .
d . ) rights to freedom of religion to the people guaranteed by the State ( Article 29, paragraph 2 ) .
e . ) teaching human rights ( article 31 , paragraph 1 )
The entry of basic human rights clause in the 1945 Constitution can not be separated from the debate that preceded the group who objected ( Bung Karno and Supomo ) and groups who want ( Bung Hatta ) .
Principal subject of human rights in the 1945 objectives that are accurate Hatta opinion that essentially prevents the development of the State kekuasaan.Apa antecedent kawatirkan Bung Hatta proved already , this can look at that in the 20th century still looks the struggle for human rights , especially in the public do the government itself that authoritarian .
Indonesian nation as part of the international community and as a member of the United Nations has a moral responsibility to implement DUNHAM.Begitu anyway at the insistence of the community for the development of life that is more democratic and human rights as well as the implementation of the provisions of NO XVII/MPR/1998 Assembly on human rights in view of the need to establish namely the Human Rights Act , Act No. 39/1999 on Human Rights .

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